Dr. Bruce Miller started the HealthQuest Newsletter 41 years ago, to support the Shaklee field with clinical research-based information to share with their clients.
Dr. Miller received his doctorate with honors from the Baylor University College of Dentistry. Prior to his enrollment at Baylor University, he attended the University of Texas as a nutrition and biochemistry major. There, as a research assistant to Dr. Roger Williams, the discoverer of pantothenic acid, he performed analytical nutrition and genetic studies on several single-celled plant foods.
After obtaining his doctorate, Dr. Miller attended New York University’s College of Dentistry as a postgraduate student. In this capacity he complemented his earlier studies with clinical, nutrition-oriented research, which focused on nutrition problems of the elderly and the mentally and physically handicapped.
Further postgraduate studies, conducted after he entered private practice, included tutelage by such noted nutrition authorities as Dr. Linus Pauling, Dr. Emmanual Cheraskin, Dr. Jean Mayer, Dr. Jeffery Bland, Dr. William Castelli, and Nobel Laureate Dr. Michael Brown.
Dr. Miller is a member of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, a charter member of Dr. Kenneth Cooper’s Aerobics Center, a member of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, American Dental Association, National Nutritional Foods Association, International College of Applied Nutrition, International Institute of Nutritional Dentistry, founder of the Diet Analysis Center, and a consultant to the American Running and Fitness Association.
Dr. Miller is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a member of the American College of Nutrition. He is the author of numerous booklets on nutrition and has written and produced a number of videotapes. Dr. Miller practiced nutritionally oriented dentistry in Dallas, Texas. In January 1983 he gave up his practice to concentrate on researching, consulting, and writing. Dr. Miller also has found the time to conduct numerous seminars in nutrition for thousands of Americans so that he can share the knowledge gained from nearly 30 years involvement with nutrition as ongoing student, teacher, consultant, and researcher. He was a featured speaker at the Shaklee Science Symposium in 2003 and 2004.
Dr. Miller retired in late 2006. Sadly, he passed away in 2020.
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